Tim Lorge is a New York City/Hudson Valley playwright, screenwriter, and filmmaker. He is also a postproduction specialist and a Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Certified Trainer.
As a filmmaker, Tim has created numerous documentary short films for myFace, the National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction; the American Parkinson Disease Association; and numerous training and public service films for the public sector.
He is currently in production on his latest documentary "The Wines of New York" and in depth look at wine in the Empire State.
He is also in preproduction on his narrative directorial debut feature "The Naked Winemaker" scheduled to shoot in Summer, 2025 in the Hudson Valley.
I saw the I ❤️ New York ornament on our tree today and thought I’d go with this.
In my work on my documentary about the wines of New York, Paul Brady got us an interview with John Dyson, owner of Millbrook Vineyards.
John is also the guy who is responsible for the Farm Wine Act, which legalized winery tasting rooms in New York and has since become a model for other states on how to implement tasting rooms statutorily.
He is also responsible for the I Love New York tourism campaign. I have video of him explaining how it came to be. I’ll put that up later once I finish an edit I like.
But for now, here are today’s pics.
I haven’t changed my camera’s settings or lenses, so these were rather quick once I decided on the story.
It is the same philosophy Phil Collins used in his drumming.
Sometimes, it’s not about showing off chops or experimenting with technique but supporting the song, or in this case, the story.
365 Photo Projects are a relatively simple concept: Take one picture, every day. Depending on who you ask, you should post them somewhere. Others will say take them and put them in a folder.
I’ve tried doing this several times over the years … The past ten years, actually.
I got my Canon 70D 10 years ago. I bought it on February 27th, 2015; got it on March 3rd; and it took me a couple days to figure out how to work it so my first picture was taken on March 7th. I was scared, for some reason.
It was my first real camera. I’ve had several smaller ones over the years, but this was the first one with interchangeable lenses.
I’ve wanted one since I was a kid but never could afford it. My brother had an AE1 and a photo lab in the basement. I’d flip through his copies of Popular Photography and dream about all the gear I wanted to get when I grew up.
I couldn’t help but dream.
Canon has an office right off exit 8a of the NJ Turnpike. They have a billboard, that, every once in a while, would have a new camera or maybe their lens collection. Just to get a glimpse of that was heaven. All those years driving past it on the way to pick up or drop off my daughter… Again, all I could do was dream.
My mother died on January 19th, 2015, 4 days before my 46th birthday. I don’t remember when we actually buried her, the date but about a week or two later, I started looking at cameras and the desire started burning within me to get one.
I finally snapped because my mom was dead, and I saw my life passing me by. I’m not too sure what my wife said when I actually brought it home. The fear of what she’d say contributed to the delay in my taking that first picture.
The first picture taken with my 70d.
I went through all the blogs trying to figure out how to use this thing. Eventually, I came upon the 365 project idea. And, for the next several years, I’d start and stop them.
Historically, my problem has been stuff would come up. Maybe I’d get involved with some photo or video project that would take over. I’d find sites with prompt ideas and I’d get tripped up with them.
Oh, and post-processing was always a drag. I’d take all these pictures and, because I didn’t know Photoshop or Lightroom very well, I wouldn’t feel comfortable posting any of the pics.
I have tens of thousands of pictures and never could be bothered to process them. It’s a lot of work when you don’t have a workflow and have to develop or learn one. Just did a file count, and it’s in the neighborhood of 22,000 pictures that I’ve taken.
So, this time around, I’m going to take both RAW and JPGs. I have no idea why I didn’t think of this sooner. RAWs will give me all the data if I want to process them, and JPGs will allow me to publish them quickly.
So, here’s what I’m going to do.
Use both my 70d and 5d Mark 4 to take a similar version of the same shot.
Try to use the same lens on each camera for each shot.
Take 1 picture each day for a year.
Post the JPG from each camera each day.
Feel free to adapt what I do, but make sure I take and post 1 picture from each camera daily.
Noted exception for traveling
5d with 50mm lens70d with 24-70mm lens
For starters, on this Christmas day, we have a shot of an ornament on our tree of a couple dancing. My wife and I danced a lot today. We don’t normally, but this was before our annual viewing of “White Christmas.”
I’ve been writing online for close to 30 years. I recall celebrating one Christmas at my mom’s house in Turnersville, NJ, and showing off my brand-spanking new website.
It was either Groupware News or an incarnation of my name with a dotcom after it. I ended up losing that domain to some cybersquatter.
In any event, the site was met with a great big “Hmmm … OK” from my family.
I’ve since gone on to do God-knows-what and my present domain, this domain, which has been around with various bits and bobs through the years. I’ve done other things too but I’m not getting into them now.
Put on the overalls
I saw this on Instagram the other day from Steve Pressfield. It planted a seed that I didn’t think twice about then.
Sometimes, scrolling on social can plant the seeds of some good things.
Over the past, I’m gonna say, hour or 90 minutes, that seed germinated into this post of mine. The weird thing is, I forgot about Steve’s post. I didn’t even think about it until I started writing, and it jumped in my head.
In the spirit of Steve’s post, what the hell, I’m starting right now!
I am embarking on a series of 365-day/52-week/12 month projects that I’ll outline below.
I’ve tried doing these sorts of things many times before but haven’t continued so, this is another attempt. God help me!
I know: Get to it.
Project #1: A 12-Month Immersive Course in Humanities
Ted Gioia has a great Substack you should check out. In July, he started a 12-month course in the humanities.
I’ve never done a deep dive on The Humanities. When I saw this, I knew I had to do it. I meant to do it but didn’t, so now is as good a time as any.
He has another article on how to read Plato, in which he suggests starting a discussion group. That was the fertilizer that caused Steve’s seed to sprout!
So, I’ll post my thoughts here to get my mind thinking about these things.
Project #2: 365 Photo Project.
I’ve been trying to do for 10 years and just never did it. I always get caught up taking a bunch of pictures and never running through the post-processing. Don’t know how I’m going to approach it but I’ll figure it out.
Project #3: Short films
I need to shoot some shorts to figure out how to work my camera and process the footage. To do that, I’ll shoot 5 to 10-minute shorts of some sort.
Other stuff
I’ll also write about some of the reading I’m doing. I’ve spent most of my life reading technical, self-help, biographies, that kind of stuff. It’s time to read something else, starting with Richard Hooker’s MASH novel.
Of course, I’m shooting my first feature film, “The Naked Winemaker,” next year. If I don’t have something shot by the end of March, mid-April at the latest and a schedule for the rest, I’m giving up on it.
Then, there’s writing, jotting down ideas for various projects after NW is done. Plays, novels, other films, starting my Substack.
It seems like a lot, but it’s not. It’s a bunch of bits and bobs that’ll I’ll post just to get it out of me.
So, we’ll see what happens. I don’t expect anything, really, but what the fuck.
So thanks Steve, Ted, and everyone who inspired this.