Monochrome Skis at Sunset

I wanted to get something earlier today. I love black & white (duh, who doesn’t?), so I thought it would be good to give it a whirl.

At this point in the project, I’m just working to develop the habit. I’m not really concerned with technique.

Author: Timbo

Tim Lorge is a New York City/Hudson Valley playwright, screenwriter, and filmmaker. He is also a postproduction specialist and a Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Certified Trainer. As a filmmaker, Tim has created numerous documentary short films for myFace, the National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction; the American Parkinson Disease Association; and numerous training and public service films for the public sector. He is currently in production on his latest documentary "The Wines of New York" and in depth look at wine in the Empire State. He is also in preproduction on his narrative directorial debut feature "The Naked Winemaker" scheduled to shoot in Summer, 2025 in the Hudson Valley.