Choo …

As a native of the Philadelphia area and a lifelong Eagles fan, I was quite happy today when my Birds 1) beat the Cowboys, 2) clinched the #2 seed in the NFC, and 3) Saquon reached the 2,000-yard mark.

So, in honor of my Birds, we’re taking a little train ride today.

A few years ago, maybe close to 30 now, I picked up a Bachmann limited edition train set that modeled the legendary Liberty Bell Special. For the past 10 years or so, every Christmas it has run under our Christmas tree.

What’s the Liberty Bell Special?

In 1915, the Liberty Bell went on tour. It traveled west to Seattle, then down to San Francisco, San Deigo, and back east across the southern routes, eventually returning home to Philadelphia.

On 2015, during the 100th anniversary of the trip, Fred Klein of Trainweb wrote a great piece explaining the tip.

So, here are some shots of that. I used my 100mm Macro lens on the 5dfor this first shot.

5d with 100mm Macro
70D with 24-70

Author: Timbo

Tim Lorge is a New York City/Hudson Valley playwright, screenwriter, and filmmaker. He is also a postproduction specialist and a Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Certified Trainer. As a filmmaker, Tim has created numerous documentary short films for myFace, the National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction; the American Parkinson Disease Association; and numerous training and public service films for the public sector. He is currently in production on his latest documentary "The Wines of New York" and in depth look at wine in the Empire State. He is also in preproduction on his narrative directorial debut feature "The Naked Winemaker" scheduled to shoot in Summer, 2025 in the Hudson Valley.